For beginners with Photoshop, retouching is one of the basic skills to develop. In this post today, we will be taking you through five of the most actionable photo retouching tips and tricks.
Hopefully, after reading this post, you will not look at the retouching tool of Photoshop in the same way anymore. So, let’s begin-

Tip 1 of 5: Using Luminosity as a Selection
It is possible to make a selection with the luminosity of an image. Luminosity means the bright pixels of the image. The most possible way of doing the trick is to use a keyboard shortcut.
The keyboard shortcut is- Ctrl+Alt+2. In case you are using Mac, the command is Command+Option+2.
In case you don’t want to remember the keyboard command, you can use it by holding the Ctrl or Cmd button and then clicking on the RGB thumbnail of the Channel panel. This will also load luminosity.
Tip 2 of 5: Spot Healing Brush Tool Mood
Another great aspect of photo retouching is to clean up the wrinkles and blemishes around anyone’s face. But if you want to do it in a regular or manual way, that is going to take a lot of time and effort.
Instead, we recommend you to use the spot healing brush tool. Make sure that with this tool, you can remove only those wrinkles or spots which are darker or brighter than the skin.
While using the tool, select the Type as Content-Aware.
Tip 3 of 5: You Can Open the Same Image in Two Windows
A great tips for anyone who wants to do retouching with photoshop is to open the same image at two different windows. If you open them side by side, you can work on detail for each of them.
In case you are working with two monitors connected to the same CPU, this will even work better.
To make it happen, you need to go to Window- Arrange- Name of the Document, and then go to Window- Arrange- Two. This will put the two tabs vertically side by side.
While working, you can zoom in on one image, while working on the details at another one.

Tip 4 of 5: Target Different Sections with The Color Range
In case you are retouching areas of an image which are hard to select with clicks and hands, the target selections and color range commands can be a great option to consider.
To focus on the color range of an image, you have to create a selection around an object of the image. Start with a simple rectangle. Then go to Select- Colour Range and select the color you want to deal with. There is an eyedropper to select the color.
When you’re done, you can adjust the color Hue and Saturation and alter it with some other color and so on.
Tip 5 of 5: Use the Lab Colour Mode
Using Photoshop, you can generally work with CMYK or RGB color modes. But there is another beautiful way out. And that is the lab Colour mode.
Using this mode, you can choose from the three channels- Lightness, A and B.